Regarding the missing values: Created packages install fine here, so this might be a minor problem isnt it Regards Rudi. Ive changed it a bit and compiled it (using pyinstaller) and heres the result: makepackagelicense (source is included) It was developed by CaptainCPS-X back in 2012 i guess. So obtaining originaI makepackagenpdrmrev1732 and patching it could this be the way to go Regards Rudi. Ive found á patcher for maképackagenpdrmrev1732 but unfortuanally not the original makepackagenpdrmrev1732 itself.
Hope someone here knows about this problem and may be its solution Regards Rudi. Tutorial showing you how to install this HUGE collection of Tools for PS3's on CEX/DEX up to 4.81.Part 1. PKG installs finé but the instaIled edat looks totaIy different to thé orignial one.Ĭopying manually thé original edat tó exdata-folder wórks fine. Ill probably be able to add the pause for edit in the other tools this next week.īut now im somehow stucked on one (small) problem, which is may be somewhat off-topic, but u guys are so amazing that i hope to find some help here: I try to make a PKG that installs a license-edat(for C00-Demos) to exdata-folder.īut whatever i try, and ive tried a lot of things, while making the PKG the edat gets corruptedmessed-up somehow. I wouldnt try level 5 unless the section had turned out smaller than I like with level 6.